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"I enjoyed the breadth and depth of coverage throughout the conference, as well as the opportunity to network and make connections in new areas like vertical farming and alternative proteins."

Senior Lead, Agri-Food, EDB SINGAPORE

Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Summit

Accelerating Innovation in Supply Chain Resilience, Urban Food Systems, Alternative Proteins and Affordable Nutrition

Food security is top of the agenda for the 2020 Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Summit, which will take place as a Virtual Summit on November 18-20, 2020.

As we look ahead to 2021, the summit will provide an essential platform for knowledge-sharing and networking, through a valuable mix of live-streamed sessions, start-up pitches, breakout discussion groups and 1-1 video networking.

November 18-20, 2020 3pm SGT Virtual

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  • Create New Business Connections via Video 1-1 Meetings
  • Benchmark with Your Peers in Online Roundtable Discussions
  • Gain Critical Intelligence on the Future of Agri-Food
  • Expand Your Network Across the Southeast Asia Agri-Food Supply Chain
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